Feminism (noun) The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. This is to all the men and women who display hijabs or tank tops; are stay-home parents or Marines; choose beauty or brains or both; were born in right body or the wrong one; love themselves or don't; come in all shapes and sizes; follow religion or question it; span all colours of the rainbow; are just born or a century old; live in huts or the Hamptons; went to community college or Ivy League; have affairs with many or remain a virgin; race with Hot Wheels or play House; are gay or straight or in-between or simply don't know; speak Arabic or Mandarin or Yiddish. For the people who have a story but are too afraid to share and for all who've fought for justice and received the short end. Everyone who's been told they can't because of who they are. Whose ingenuity strives for a more equal world and who ignored no voices and see no distinction, for we are all human and deserve nothing less. This is why I am a feminist. ~ C. Gallagher

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