Translate   8 years ago

72 Missing By. Kitty Boss Chapter 1 Here is the most traumatic ,and most terrifying thing that ever happened to me. My name is Alex, Alex Grace ,I was only 14 at the time when the kidnapping accrued. Along with the rest of the 72 missing my day started out like every other day. I am a blue eyed blond ,and short for my age. Waking up by what felt annoying at the time, " BEEP BEEP BEEP" my alarm clock. It was 60 in the morning so I got out my bible study prayed ( not realizing what I should have prayed for ) ,and began. After that brushing teeth, morning yoga, breakfast, ect. My mom driving me to school not realizing I wouldn't see her again for years. Walking away from the car to my middle school ,Cherished Middle School. Turning around seeing my mom waving ,as she blows me kisses. Then she turns towards the road and drives off. And thats when............

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