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Broken Again Chapter 4 The sounds of the loud city traffic had faded. Abigail opened her eyes and stood up straight in her seat. Her mother had still been asleep. She looked out the window to see an unfamiliar scene. The roads weren't narrow and crowded with traffic like it was in the city. It was quite and the roads were large. There was barely any vehicles at all. It was so peaceful outside, as she looked up she saw a beautiful night sky. She recalled the sky's in the city, tall buildings towered, she could barely see a thing. But here it was so different, so many stars and a glowing full moon. The town was dark on its own but the stars lit it up. She was so amused to see this, a sight she had just experienced. It was so calm and comforting. Eventually the bus came to a stop. Abigail climbed off with her mother. She somehow thought it wouldn't be so bad after all. They walked to there building. It was very different, the buildings all looked the same each with 4 floors each in the same colour. The only difference were the numbers. She turned and spotted hers. They were living on the top floor, she ran up the stairs. Waiting for her mother to open the door. As she turned the key Abigail rushed in. It was empty but rather large. " so much space" she said to herself. Obviously her first priority was to pick out her room. She chose the smaller one with the big windows. She did this as she could see what she loved the most, the stars. There wasn't furniture at the time. So her mother handed her a blanket so she could sleep on the floor. This she didn't mind without more in mind she lay the blanket in the floor and fell asleep as soon as she lay there in front of the stars.

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