"I have a feeling...... A bad bad feeling " said Elena filch as she wrote in her diary. "As if something awful gonna happen ". But whenever has Elena Jodie filch ever been nervous or scared. She took a deep breath and threw the book and the pen at the door in anger and frustration. Something in that house,the house she'd been living in since she was a little kid, felt as if it were out of place out of sight and out of mind. Maybe it was her, ever since she left for France that summer and came back, she's been having the exact same feeling." Elly!" Her aunt called " breakfasts ready, now you don't want to be late for your first day of senior year" "Coming!"she yelped as she raced down stairs with her journal in one hand and cellphone in the other. "Elena!" What's the matter. Her aunt asked."nothing's wrong just in a hurry that's all. But before she could even reply Elena was gone out the door. She suddenly took notice to a suspicious looking raven in the distance. It looked at her In a seductive way. As if it were undressing her with its eyes. She threw a stone at it. "Now shoo you peeping tom, go" she shouted and off flew the bird. As it launched off the tree stump its wings flapped, and made the sound of a thousand ravens all at once, but hey, she thought this wasn't the first strange thing she's noticed in this town. When she arrived at school, all of her friends where there. Ava,Bona,Cathrin and her boy toy, Matt. "Aves, you look taller and way hotter" you see Avery Jennings never, ever war makeup she believed that it was for the insecure and witless."hi Elena," Bona said "everyone!, the queen of ever dale's back" then she wrapped her arms around her. "What" Elena gasped, shoving the shorter girl back, "you changed your hair color, it's , it's , red" shouted Elena "yeah it's red, don't you like it, even a little bit" she asked. Suddenly a Porsche revved into the parking lot. All the girls gasped, who's driving that B-A car they wondered. When suddenly a not so tall boy,with pale white skin as fair pearl as a marble, inched out of the vehicle. But they couldn't quite see his face cause he wore sunglasses which he never took off. He wiped his mouth. But why, why did he do so, was he eating a jelly filled doughnut with extra jam, or drinking a Dr Pepper soda. Why so mysterious..........

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