übersetzen   9 Jahre

Daddy & Me? As I was born into the world amoung the first group of people to welcome me in was him, he smiled as we saw each other for the first time and uttered the words I would hear for the rest of my #life "My baby boy". As I grew older around the age of 1 or 2 I became restless as I wanted this man to play with me to entertain me as I declared to be his job. I remeber as one time he denied me my entertainment as I wanted to show him my new truck so I did what any reasonable toddler would, I slammed it on top of his head with my mighty baby force, but what really suprised me was he didnt get mad or he didnt hit me or he even beat me, he just looked at me and corrected me. It still took me a while of course to stop bonking him on the head though. Lets take this to year 3 of my #life the first Christmas I can actually remeber, he was skinny had bald spots and had his signeture moustache but none of that mattered to me as i was just happy that he was playing with me once again with a new toy he bought me. It was very complex and creative but he helped me build a moving working dump truck with motar and all. He looked so proud in me despite he did all the work, but still I loved the feeling of pride he gave me. A few months go by and its almost been a year im now 4 and we we've made many trips to Mexico and back, He used to have a motarhome that he absulotly loved and he would always take care of it, untill one day it got an in an accedent and the back got totaled, but still he loved it even then. A few months go by and we find ourselves heading home, we saw an over turned car that got in a nasty reck and I remeber thinking to myself Im lucky to have the #life I do. That night He went to bed early as My mother and sister and I waited in the den watching cartoons, I heard a knock on the door and alerted my mother. I persued her as we went to the door and when it opened two offecers ran into then house and went upsters as the third attenpted to speak to my mother. Before anything really was explained I saw him being held by the two offecers, by his legs and arms like an animal they took him away from me at the age of 4. The last time I would ever see him at this age was during his court case, where I got kicked out as I refused to stop calling out to him, for his attention. After a long 10 years of having no real friends , bullies , and being alone I had no one to play with all those years. I never knew how to fight for myself, I never knew how to defend myself. I was entering my freshmen year. When I was told he will be realsed soon. I was so excited to have this person back in my #life I was ready to welcome him. Until I got the news that he wouldn't be allowed to live with me until the my age of 18. I turned 15 in my sophmore year when he started to get sick again, you see he had diebtes and was always sick but never this bad , he wasnt taking care of himself. But I knew he just had to wait it out until I was 18 then we could be a big happy family again. I never spoke to him though I never had the time as I was always involved with school or school work. I knew I would make it up to him when I turned 18 all my dreams as a child all those "adventure" I had planened out for us. Im now 16 Junior year im struggling to keep my grades and my health up as I hardley got any sleep or rest I was working hard so I may make amends for when I turned 18 , I always had him on a video call but I never spoke to him I never made the time. Its a late monday night as im cramming to get all my work done, my health was finally back on track as were my grades , I got a call from my brother in law , "He" was in the hosptial again and this time they say he wouldnt make it , I went to school that Tuesday depressed thinking I had lost him but half way through I realised he still has a chance he could make it , no he WILL MAKE IT. My mother flew in that day she wanted me to go see him but it was that day they told me the truth , My Father has been brain dead since Monday night there was no chance there was no hope I was a small 4 year old child again but this time He was gone for good, I went in to see him , he looked like he was sound asleep enjoying one of the best dreams of his #life , I finally got to hang out with my dad after all this time just to say good bye. Despite his brain being dead and all his organs failing his heart kept trying to fight a battle it could not win. My dad's heart played its final rythm slowing in tempo as it finaly stopped........... at 5:10a.m. Wednesday March 9 he was offically dead. And now here I am still 16 saying good bye and im sorry........ In loving memory of Jose Peralta he wasnt the best dad, but he was the best i ever had. Rest in peace Dad I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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