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Herstory Happy Women's Day! ❤️ She was once fragile, a whisper of what she could become. She was once an echo of the woman who held her tiny hand, helping her navigate through the fears of this land. She was once gentle in matters of the heart. She once was vulnerable, comforted only by the suckling of the mother’s gift. But, that is only the beginning, you see. The vision of protection, for the tiny queen. For she is fierce, determined to meet the demands of growth. She is wild and wicked in her heart. She is demanding, stubborn in her refusal to slow. She held anger on a leash, letting it play outside her soul. She bruised and bled as thoughts devoured her head. She started wars with a single word dripping from her lips. She partook of forbidden fruits, choosing free will, making the choice! She became the definition of sin. She created the need for religion. She once held men to their knees, children on her hips, while dreaming of the world between, one that would become history. She is fearless in her search to find the one to hold her tight. To make her feel like the brash woman she had become was not a loss as her gentle spirit became undone. She is in need, so deeply in need. She is fragile. She is free. She is calloused by the world’s greed. She is the villain in the story. Yet, only she could be the heroine who could do anything. She is, and that’s the point, you see. She is part of everything.

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