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Straight Edge 4 #life Promises, promises 23rd time's the charm Today will be different I'll do it this time I'll think of the future Of how it will be 20lbs lighter Nicotine-free I will make better choices I will rise with the sun For a mean green juice breakfast A 5k morning run I'll trade chocolate elevensies For "10 Second Abs" Meditation and crunches In place of curries and cabs I'll power through work On a kale smoothie brunch Then a spot of yoga And a light salad lunch I'll ignore my tired, aching body Swap ready-made crap For a homecooked meal Made entirely from scratch I wont settle down To TV, wine and crisps I'll take the dog out For a walk and a dip ... Maybe tomorrow's a better day To start the new me Because today I've already Procastinated it all away Straight edge 4 #life

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