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My Resume First real mentor and trainer was at the age of ten was my father. From him I learned everything about intensive training and rehabilitation that I could. Fortunately my father was trained by William Koehler. ‪http://www.koehlerdogtraining.com/home.html‬ If unfamiliar with his name which is now considered almost blacklisted, his famous method of training was hailed as the best by many from the police,military- (who's many training methods are still used, as well as new), and of course Walt Disney, plus the +50,000 dogs his stats are staggering. Considered the most controversial..yet undeniably most effective on high energy/bounce back aggressive- or even terribly stubborn dog with high resistance. In my experience his books is for the last ditch attempt to fix a dog before the needle. However I must also acknowledge there are even newer & better ways of training, for the less extreme dog and more of a family pet. In the late 70's-to early 90's my father then created one of the first and only training/rehabilitation programs in western Canada, as well as owning a large kennel of champion pit bulls in Canada. There I grew up with min of 30-50+dogs on property at all times. I had my own polished rehabilitation skills with my own dogs by 14/15 . Eventually I evaluated, trained and assisted with over literally hundreds of dogs by the time I was 22. My father created our original draft assessment quiz for further research into dogs personalities in relation to breed/type and environment I was my fathers willing assistant. I helped with everything I could. I watched carefully as he took not just his own brave perfect pit bulls, but also the rescued sad shaking dogs who had given up- and transform them into magnificent personal(or family) Guardian Angel dogs. Brave and confident once again. We incorporated many different types of training to make the perfect angel. Intelligent disobedience- seeing eye Dog work; if your child is walking the dog and tries to cross the street, the dog won't go. Search and detection; Hiking or at the beach were is so & so? gone missing send the dog. What If they are about to be dragged into a van? Oh yeah- her guardian angel shows up with trouble for the would be kidnapper. Protection; if your daughter goes on a date she brings her guardian angel to size him up. "The dog is not going to tell on you honey, but you won't get, drugged, raped,beat up stolen etc." My Father always said it. That, and nothing good ever happens after midnight. Unfortunately it was during the plethora of pit bull attacks in the 80s-late 90's which brought the popularity of the wrong customers.- dog fighters, groupers, drug dealers even the Hells angels etc. My father ended up appearing on the international & local television stations, newspapers from Calgary to Edmonton (and farther) we then ended up with receiving multiple death threats..we had people try to steal the dogs, worse yet- set them all loose on each other in side the kennelled dogs cages- trapping them into a huge pile of fighting dogs..with no way out. They fought to the death. We lost over half of our pack. End result we had to sell everything AND move. You can't fight those battles. Not with a family and no Chuck Norris. From there I then further enriched and fine tuned my skills from * Tom Rose dog academy, a world wide recognized establishment with campus housing . Established it in 1972. ‪http://www.tomrose.com/‬ * The world renowned groundbreaking trainer Ivan Balabanov, ‪ http://malinois.com/about-ivan- ‬ ‪ balabanov/‬ * Famous Don Sullivan, 'The Dogfather' with his own Tv show, his own academy, his training is vast even outside dogs‪ http://www.dogfather.tv/dogmyths‬. * The Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers. * Leerberg kennels and training& supplies. Again another long standing dog training academy. Supplies Civilian to k9 police & military. Leerberg.com * I was also Military trained and ended up fully educated in all three of the Army, Airforce, and Naval dog training search & rescue, bomb and narcotics detection,extensive protection, tracking and apprehension. * have had many years work in rehabilitation and therapy. Don't doubt that there is mental illness in dogs, as well as PTSD. They are currently doing an experiment involving dogs, mental illness and medication. There can be damaged dogs. * have had intermediate veterinary training. My father trained me and I've dealt hands on with parvovirus & staff infection, stitching up injuries, porcupines, skunks, Pica etc When any of theses came threw the kenn I was home from school sometimes for a month. * also I am a Corespondent with famous herbalist Vet Dr Andrew Jones DVM in B.C. ‪ https://www.theonlinevet.com/‬ As it is right now, lm also one of the only trainer that will do rehab and training with an excessive aggression issues. Seriously traumatized dogs mentally emotionally unstable. The ones no one wants. To have or to deal with. I created redflags to help those in need with their often out of control dogs.

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