My Story Laugh all you want. You may have money, nice clothes, lots of followers, and a huge house. You think that you have it all. How can I compare? I have none of that. But I don't focus on materialism. You talk about politics, trying to sound like an adult. I don't need to hear your imperialistic interests. You look at me, disgusted, while hanging on your 'boyfriend'. I just roll my eyes. It's quite sad. You need all this attention to feel loved. I just need me. Everyone has a sob story, so do I. But I don't parade it around trying to get pity from my peers. My story may be sad but it has made me who I am. I love me. You love everyone loving you. I'm sorry. But just because you have daddy issues doesn't give you the right to act like your mother was murdered when you were two. Everyone has issues, at least you're not struggling to survive in this world. Aww poor baby, your dad is never around, never praises you, and doesn't love you. Like I care. I've had worse, and no one knows. Try never having a friend to play with in your neighborhood. Your mother is never home because of work and when she is home she is still working and always in a bad mood because of the people she works with. Then your father is gone on the weekends and is constantly working and your family never goes out to do anything. Next, your brother has anger issues and if he is set off he could kill me. Then at school no one plays with you at recess and they always make fun of you because you're smarter than them. For six years your peers laugh and mock you. Then you switch schools and some douche asks you out as a trick. Now all of them are mocking you. THEN the next year you move all the way across the country to a new culture where everyone has a weird southern accent and dresses in ugly camo. The school is so big and I'm too shy to talk to anyone because people have constantly been mean to me. Then I move again the next year to a nice christian school, I swear like a sailor and I hate kids my age. I'm the smartest in my class and everyone is too dumb for me whih is just annoying. So now since I'm about to go to college I have to learb how to be social. So don't come crying to me with your bullshit. This is my story and you had no idea! You never knew, you just thought I was antisocial just to be an asshole. No. I'm sick and tired of your crap. So shut up about your problems, they aren't your first and won't be your last. You find security in everyone else thibking they'll help you. They'll only burn you again. Your story just made you an attention whore. It broke you. Mine made me stronger, I don't rely on people. They aren't responsible. I grew into who I an because of those terrible kids who mocked me, pushed me over, cursed at me, and thought I was worthless. I'm stronger than them, than anyone. Anyone can call me anything they want. I've heard everything under the sun. It doesn't faze me. You stayed and cowered on the ground. I picked myself up and fought back. Fight or flight. Which will you choose? I flew for so long, my wings broke. So I will fight, because it's who I am. And I'm not afraid anymore.

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