Translate   8 years ago

Rise Of The Dead Chapter 1 It was cold and dark night. The air was sharp and painful as it hit across my skin. I was walking, outside and alone.The wind was strong, and some tree's had already surrendered to its strength. My nose and hands turned red as I fought off the cold. I reached my house, well my parents house. We were going on a week long vacation the next day. My suitcase was packed but... it felt like... something was missing. I knew that I was missing something so obvious that when I would realise what it was, I would be sure to scold myself for being so ignorant. I searched through my pockets looking for my key. Time passed and I found it hiden, deep within my back pocket. I took it out and opened the door. I was hit with warm air and sweet smells as I took a step inside. I shut the door behind and locked it. "Mum, Dad I'm home!" I yell. "Thats great dear." I can hear my mum yell. She must be upstairs. Her voice sounds too distant to be coming from the kitchen. I began to walk upstairs. "Rei! Could you help me please!" My father called. "Coming!" I reply as I walk into my parents bedroom. My German Shepherd, Kiki ran up and jumped onto me. I fell backwards while Kiki was liking my face. She normally doesn't do this.... And where's Jasper...? "Um.. Dad, what did you need my help with?" I ask "The dog was so depressed, and kept barking and crying while you were gone" "Thats odd... Kiki normally isn't like that... What about Jasper did he do anything strange while you I gone?" "Oh the Husky? No he's fine. He's in your room, sleeping" My father answered. "Oh, well I'm gonna go check on Jasper and finish packing. I feel like I'm missing something" I say as I head towards my room. I open my door and walked inside. Jasper was there, sleeping as my Father had said. The dog only looked up, accepted my precence, and went back to sleep. I flopped on my bed beside the Husky. I took a quick glance at my alarm clock before sleep took over me. "Kiki, c'mon outside you go" My father ordered to the dog. In my father walked and shut the door behind him. He sat down, grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. "We cancel this tv screening for some very important news. There has been word from government officials that a highly dangerous biological wepon base has been hidden from public to create a super disease to have in emergency incase of sudden attack from any other foe countries. This "Super Disease" is named "Mortuus resurrexit" from Latin to English it translates to risen dead. The syrum for the disease has leaked and now over 700 workers are dead and extremely ill. There has also been real footage from the base of people with withered and rotting skin attacking, and killing other workers in the base, thus spreading the disease. These victums of the disease are in fact dead. The disease has spread all over the world. Governments have been keeping this hidden to try to avoid world panic. Police officials have also said to stay indoors no matter what. Do not be afraid to shoot, stab or take down these creatures if they find access into your home. It has also been said that if you get bitten you turn into these creatures. Thats all for now, stay safe and stay hidden. I'm Sarah Chio reporting live for WW News." I awake to hear the dog barking loudly outside. Then to hear my father open the door for it and the dog to start whimpering. The dog was injured I could hear it in its voice. "Rei, Sweetie could you come downstairs for a minute its urgent!" I heard my mother ask with fear in her throat. I walk down to see the dog. It was bitten. The teeth marks in its skin looked almost like human teeth marks... "Look I want you to listen. Get changed now. Get changed into something athletic and easy to move in. There is no time to ask any questions go! NOW" My Father ordered. "Rei before you get changed, take this backpack and put food, weapons and stuff that you might need in it." My Mother said. I took the backpack and did as I was told. So many questions were running through my mind but there was no time to think about answers. I filled up my backpack to a point where it was full but not all that heavy. There was food for me and the dogs. I got some rope and tied some to my bag connecting it to a rolled up sleeping bag. There was alot of bottles of water and a knife for protection against whatever we were facing. I ran upstairs. Jasper was awake now from all the commotion. I got changed into a green hoodie, some baggy army camo jeans and black combat boots. There were a few clothes in my backpack too but only one outfits worth. I tied my brown hair up in a ponytail. Once I finished I could hear screaming. It-It was coming from.... MY PARENTS! Then it went all quiet. I went down quietly... but once I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw blood everywhere. My mom and dad were lying on the floor. #lifeless. Kiki was dead.. Wait... MY PARENTS! They... They're moving! My mum stood up straight. Something was wrong... "R-Rei, lock yourself in your room. Get away from us... Your mother isn't herself... She's dead..." My father managed to say. I began to walk up the stairs horrified. Kiki had a knife in her head... She definatly wasn't coming back... "Rei before you go..." He paused... "We love you" They were my fathers last words before my mother finished him off... I ran upstairs locking myself in my room with Jasper. I broke down on the floor as Jasper tried to comfort me. I cried. All I could do was cry. I felt like crying forever. Everything has gone to hell. I'm alone...- My parents are dead.....

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