Translate   8 years ago

Hellion It was a dark, stormy night in the murky forest. The rain beat down without mercy as the wind howled it's fury through the ancient trees. She ran through the forest as fast as she could. The branches and rain alike stung as they whipped about her face. The full#moonproviding what little light it could through the canopy of trees. She could hear the beast pounding along not far behind her. It's paws beating the ground like a drum. It was getting so close now. She risked a backwards glance, she could see it's black shaggy fur moving over the powerful shoulders as it ran. Its dark eyes glittering in the moonlight, drool dripping from long sharp fangs that would tear her apart if it caught her. It's breath so heavy she could hear it panting & growling above the wind. She saw the lights of the little cabin up ahead at the edge of the forest. Closer came the lights, she could see movement within and knew she had only seconds to get there. Desperation drove her on, racing towards the door, breathless, her heart pounding she reached out her hand towards the latch... To be contd

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