Translate   8 years ago

? Trust me, its fine! If you dont know everythings wrong by now, I'll cut you loose. Baby, I'm not easy in any way. When you decided to be my man you made a choice. I'm that choice. You entered my world and welcome. Here in my world things are about me, so if you ask my opion, thats what you get. From my view. You will get it even if you dont ask for it! I know you think that you are the center of the world, maybe in your world, not in mine. You need to show me that you want me, need me, love me like the air you breathe. If and when I feel loved I will return the love a1000 times. If not, thats where you should stop and think. I like being around, sure but I dont stay forever if you dont show me love. When we click its just ❤️ but when nothing holds us together I want to move on. You are good in bed! Thats it, I wonder if I need you? Your're always broke- I pay for everything. Why would I do that? Its not my job to feed you, or make sure your laundry is ready. I'm not your chef. I 'm your love- not your mom! You being busy, yeah right, busy doing secondary stuff most of the time you sit af surf FB or some other shit. I dont buy your reasons not to do your bit in this household. I have put up with your shit and I'm getting real tired of you. You wanted us to live under the same roof, told me that I needed to pay 50% of the bills. I payed a lot more than that! It you that dont pay your part. Even your good in bed, I dont pay for sex. As said: Plenty of men that want to get a chance to be with me. How about you? Do you think you can affort to lose me? Think again, reconsider if you want a #life with or without me- think fast or you can wave goodbye

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