übersetzen   9 Jahre

Ill King The boy sat on the rooftops of the lively city, gazing at the slums he had lived his whole #life in. He looked at the innkeepers below as they brought there signs out. He saw the people in the market place as they bought there goods and went about thier days. A hot gust of wind from the north hit the boy in the face and he looked up from his pondering. A girl stood on the rooftop across from him smiling and he stood up to wave. Just as he stepped back a shingle broke and the boy went tumbling down to the slums some 5 stories below. The girl laughed and picked up the ends of her perfectly white dress flipping her hair as her eyes began to glow a bright irredesent blue. Suddenly the boy was no longer falling, but standing upright where he had been just a second before. People below continued as though nothing had gone on above them, and the boy stood astonished as the girl walked over the gap without a second thought. The boy opened his mouth but quickly caught his tounge. It was forbbiden to speak to a White even after they had just saved your #life. He looked at her in awe, at her beautiful face so perfectly shaped. He looked at the dress she wore that could buy a whole slums below. People and all. "My name is Madaline." She said landing lightly on the roof, barely even making a sound. He looked at her feet wondering how she could stand the cold. He himself was wearing two layers and he was still shivering. He almost hit himself for being so stupid. This girl was a White. She didnt care about how cold it was, she was one of the most powerful sorcerors this kingdom had ever seen. "My names Sroot." He said sticking his hand out, hoping it wouldnt magicly lop off.

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