The Hunger Games Okay, so after mulitple friends nagging me to see the Hunger Games, I kind of gave in. It didn't really look like something I would watch, and the books that come before films are usually better. Henceforth, I decided to give the books a go and maybe watch the film if i liked them. I have to tell you, I read the the whole trilogy within 2days. Now that's what I call a dedicated reader! I did end up liking the books, but I just didn't feel that oomph you feel when you read a last book in a series, and know you'll never meet those characters again. There was just nothing. I thought they were good, but the ending left a lot to be desired. So after reading them, I'm not really in a rush to see it in cinema, I think I'll just wait for the dvd to come out...what about anybody else out there? How did you feel when you read the books/how do you feel if you're still reading them?-L
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Lucy Hague
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