An Intro Of Myself My name is Michelle. I was born in a small town an hour away from San Diego. My parents moved to Modesto when I was three weeks old and have lived here ever since. I am the oldest child. I am 17, about to graduate high school in one month. I am one of four kids. I have a 15 year old sister and two brothers, 13 and 11. They're all my half siblings, but they don't know it. My mother was with a 30 something year old man when she was 19 and ended up with me. She left him because he was involved in mexican gangs. I didn't find this out until I was 12. I have yet to see how he looks. He died when I was 7. My mom doesn't have any pictures of him. I always wonder what he looks like it drives me crazy. When my mom was pregnant she got with my now dad. He's been there since before I was born. Suddenly he's become so religious as of 4 years ago, I can't stand it. He makes us go to church and participate in some church things. I've never been good socializing with people. I always tend to have one friend and stick with that person when in crowds and not talk to anyone else. People annoy me a lot. I've been reading The Catcher in the Rye and I love it. I can relate to him on a lot of things. I have straight As this year in school. I'm not sure on what I want to do with my #life. But I'm going to go to be a nurse. If I don't like it I'm going to have to suck it up. I didn't apply to any colleges when I was supposed to do now I have to go to a junior college. I'm terrified of growing up. Too much responsibility and hard work for the rest of my #life once I graduate. Some might say this is ignorant, but I've already met the love of my #life. I saw him when I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. I started talking to him when I was a sophomore. Things got complicated. I absolutely hate and do not trust girls because of this complication. But he and I are fine now. I've been with him for a year and four months. He gets me. I can be myself around him and I love that. We both plan on being with each other forever. I love that he's scared of loosing me. I like riding bikes, my boyfriend made me a fixed gear, but I hardly get to ride it because my parents are so strict. I love art and drawing. But I don't think I'm as good as people say I am. There are a million people that are far better than me. I love writing. I started to write this "book" two years ago, but got too lazy to finish. It wouldn't have been good anyway. I'm an extremely lazy person when I want to be. I don't eat a lot because I'm picky with food. I don't like a lot of different kinds of food like a lot of people. I'm not normal. I have no social #life. Well there you have it, a short introduction of myself.
Tom Griffiths
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Tom Griffiths
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