Translate   8 years ago

Part Two The next few weeks went by and I started to create my new #life away from everyone I grew up with. It was hard to start with but daily phone calls and weekly visits home made it all seem worth the move. I had forgotten about John and was happy in my own little world. My parents were worried that I would forgotten about my religious side what with the move and starting all over again. Without thinking, I honestly had forgotten. So I contacted Sarah to see if she could give me a lift to church on the coming Sunday, so I could reconnect with god and everyone I became friends with at music school. It came to Sunday and I was happy to be going to church again and having fun instead of sitting at home missing Harry. We entered and I saw John immediately. He stood out like a sore thumb. He was glorious. Stood there wearing a matching black suit and tie, he looked good enough to eat. I blushed when I saw him, I was so embarrassed so I followed Sarah and found somewhere to sit. If I didn't draw attention to myself maybe he wouldn't come over and say something. I'm 20, who blushes. Man I felt like and idiot. The service was lovely and I enjoyed being with people my own age and doing what felt natural on a Sunday. Afterwards I went to communal area for a cup of tea and to talk to people. I was enjoying a pleasant conversation with a cute old couple when a hand came round my waste. It was him, I could tell from the way my body felt. I didn't know him but my body immediately reacted when he touched me. I excused myself from the conversation and turned round to 'see who it was'. There he was. A huge smile on his face. 'Good to see you. You look different when your not messing around and falling over.' he said cheekily. Of Course I blushed, smiled and couldn't reply for the sheer embarrassment. He carried on talking, but for #life of me I couldn't tell you what he said for the sheer fact that I was mesmerised by him talking and smiling. Thankfully Sarah came over to help. 'There you are John, I've been looking for you everywhere. I see you have met Brooke. She moved to village next to us the week before music school. She's really nice so make sure you make her welcome'. She gave his arm a squeeze whilst saying this. The village next to us! Did they live together? Which village was it? Oh god he lived near me. How am I meant to concentrate knowing this gorgeous man was literally down the road. Luckily for me it was time to go, so I left with Sarah so I could forget about John. Until I saw him next. What was I going to do...... We drove home and gossiped about people from music school and sang along to the radio. Your standard girly car ride really. I was so glad to Sarah. She had included me at music school and was now doing the same at her church. She was such a good friend. So why was i basically dribbling over her boyfriend? He was only a guy. He was like every other guy I had met. But he wasn't. He had this thing about him that made me feel like a school girl again. Was it a crush or was I just appreciative of attention since I didn't have the boys back home with me making me feel special. Maybe a call to one my friends back home would help. So when I got in I called Andy for a chat. Of Course I got has answer machine. He was probably in bed with a girl he had picked up last night. As much as I loved him, he was a man slag. Different girl every weekend. Luckily I had never been one of them thats why we got on so well I reckon. I decided to send him a message to let him know I wanted a quick chat. 'Hey Andy, you didn't pick up so I guess your getting lucky with some 'lucky' lady from the bar. Just need to pick your brains about something. Give me a call when you can. Laters B x' Knowing he wouldn't respond for hours as he had the labido of a sex starved nymphomaniac,I headed to the gym to try and figure out what why I was so into my new friends boyfriend. A 30min treadmill session always seemed to give me clarity. I needed it more than ever now as I didn't want to ruin my #life just as I had started it.

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