Translate   8 years ago

Part One It all started summer 2007. I had just moved from my home town to a village near a big city for work. With the move I had left behind my best friends who I had grown up with. We did everything together and spent most of our spare time together. It would be hard for me. I thought it would be okay as I was moving to somewhere where I knew people and wouldn't be alone. Baring in mind I knew them through church and I only ever saw them three times a year. But to a 20 year old moving away from her friends meant a hell of a lot. Being the good religious girl I was (am not anymore, you shall see) I attended the year summer music school for a week in August. Music school was a week where young adults from a specific area joined together to learn more about God and developed their musical ability at the same time. Let's not lie, everyone when for the music, gossip and the thrill of a cheeky little rendezvous behind a building or in the opposite sexes dorm. Anyway this year I was given the privilege of being an honorary member of a group of people as I had just moved to their area a few days before. With this honorary status I was given certain privileges....immediate pick of songs, where to sit, what to do in free time and whether I could be out of dorms after curfew. I loved it! I became friends with a girl called Sarah and we clicked almost instantly. We sat next to each other in choir and even did the same extra activities together. We were fast friends. Then she introduced me to her boyfriend. Oh sweet lord. The guy took my breathe away. He was everything a girl would want. Tall, dark hair, extremely handsome, musically talented and altogether a good guy. His name was John, I didn't need to know anything else at that point. I was attracted to him instantly. During the course of the week I continued with the religious singing and bible stuff as you do. Yet I couldn't get John out my head. I was infatuated. It was like I was a school girl again learning about boys for the first time. I was embarrassing. I couldn't help myself though. I had completely forgotten he was Sarah's boyfriend too. But I would soon have my opportunity to voice how I felt about John. Obviously not exactly how I felt as I would probably been taken to one side and sent home. Every year at music school the popular people would do a 'World Cup' of the opposite sex to see who was the hottest of the week. Being an honorary member to this group I was included in the 'World Cup Men' tournament. We would pit guys against each other to see who was the hottest of all the guys there. John was winning every round he was in and it was long before he was in the final. Each girl had to go round and say why they thought which one of the finalist should win. We each took it in turns to say who and why. It was obvious that I wasn't the only one who thought John was hot as he had every vote. He had won hands down before we got to my vote which wasn't a big deal as he deserved the tittle of World Cup man. Sarah immediately sent a text message to John to inform him that he had won, of which he was embarrassed yet delighted about. He said thank you to all of us for voting for him and he would thank us all in the morning at breakfast and prayers. I was excited by this and ran straight to bed so the morning would hurry up an I would get to talk to him. Eeek! Actually words from John, how exciting! Well the morning came round and of course I overslept and completely missed breakfast and prayers so didn't get to speak to him. I was gutted. Not only because I didn't speak to him, but because I was the last day of music school and I had to come to terms with living without my friends a few minutes away. How would I cope? Would I make new friends in my new surroundings? It had just dawned on me that I would be alone when I got home. All of that changed though in one concert rehearsal. The band and choir were doing a joint piece. The choir walked in while the band were playing so we had to rehearse waking on in time to the music. Being one the the tall girls I had the unfortunate pleasure of leading everyone out. Being the complete fool that I am, I was messing around and not listening to whoever was instructing everyone and fell over the chair. It was the it happened. John came over to help and laugh. He took my hand, helped me up and then he did something I will always remember. Looked at me dead in the eyes. Winked. Then said this 'if you look that good falling over what are you like bent over. That was it. Screw Sarah I wanted John. I knew I would have him. One way or another.

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