Translate   8 years ago

Someone Direct Me Please someone direct me to the right path. There is usually 3 paths the sunny joyful path, the half good half bad path that usually the path I go down, the third path is the path is the worst where nobody wins , that path is second nature for me, what about you? I tell myself "#life is a long road of mistakes, success and failure". But there are real people in #life direct me to the sunny joyful path that person in my #life makes me get up in the morning and go to sleep a lot faster just so I can see that person as soon as possible! But that person doesn't know that, that person doesn't have to know that to make me rise in the morning with a smile on my face. That person make me feel alive so happy even when I feel blue(^-^)/ . On my worst days I'm happy even just sitting next to that person. Today right now I have reason to be happy. Do you have that one person who makes you feel good, who makes you wake up with a smile on your face? If so hold that personae close and never let go no matter what even if your feeling blue!

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