Purpose Everyone wants to know their purpose in #life If they'll change the world... Save it... Or destroy it. But one person Can't save the world Or destroy it But they can help Your purpose may be to make someone smile So they'll say something to their friend Which will make their friend go to a place Where she meets a guy Who becomes her boyfriend And then rejects her And then she is moody And makes someone mad Which makes that person a bit moody Which makes another person comfort them And that grows their bond Which makes them go somewhere together Which inspires a person To start a compost pile Which makes a rabbit investigate it And the rabbit distracts a dog Which distracts its owner And so on It's that simple Don't seek your purpose Just be yourself And you'll fulfill it Maybe my purpose Is to write this So you can see it. That could be all I have to do. So don't be someone you're not Just be yourself And things will happen Just like they're supposed to

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