Translate   8 years ago

Im In Love With You... I think you're cool. I think you're cute. I think you're smart, nice and funny. I like that you like horror movies too, and that you actually care about your grades. But I don't know what you want me to do. Ive been showing you for over a month that I'm interested in you, and in that time period you haven't done anything to show me you're interested too. I don't want to pressure you. I just want to know. The reason I didn't talk to you for these past few days is because I wanted to get out while I was ahead. You didn't seem interested so I pushed myself away. I got over you. No, let's be honest here, I didn't get over you, I thought about you everyday. But I was getting better until you messaged me. Then the progress I did in the past few days came crashing down. But I was mad. And I wanted you to see that. I wanted you to know what it feels like to hold a conversation with someone who doesn't seem like they want to hold one. It backfired, of course. You stopped. You read it and did not reply, as you've done in the past, and which was yet another factor to me not texting you. I don't know what more you want me to do. I like you. I've made it very clear without saying the words. Do you want me to hold up a sign? I will. I'll do anything for you to see me. I know nothing has happened. I know we've just texted and only met once. But somehow, you got my heart. I know you think I'm crazy, I know you think this isn't true. But JJ, I'm in love with you

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