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What's In A Name Maliha - means strength and beautiful which my mum was and still is. This is a story of her courage, strength, perseverance and just goes to show what us humans can endure and overcome. Maliha (Mali) was born deaf in 1953 in a small unknown village in India, Jhansi. She was born with defects – she was deaf in both ears and on top of that she couldn’t speak even if she was sent to schools to help her with her speech. She felt lonely but she spent most of the Indian summer nights with her grandma, who she lived dearly. She didn't get on with her own mum they didn't understand each other and often would get into arguments. She also had a younger sister but again she didn't get on with her. She lived her gran as she had the patience to teach her things in regards to #life. She would take something do simple as a glass bottle and make it in to something so beautiful, it was your own little garden in a bottle. When she was 6 her dad up and left to find a better #life, no byes he just went to the strange foreign land called England, he wanted to bring them over as soon as he could afford to. Mum had to step up, as her own mum was expecting, she now had to take care of the farm! It was not easy and her sister was no help as she was crippled. When her brother Shami was born, she adored him but she had now to take care of both the farm and him. She would take him everywhere with her, but when he got ill with measles and they couldn't afford the doctors nor medicine, he died sleeping in my mums arms. She was heart broken - he was three at the time and he never got to see his dad who was working hard to bring them to England. And so when my mum and the rest of the family were mourning, mum was soon going to suffer more heartbreaks...

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