Needing Somebody To Love okay let me start fresh. hit the post button before i finished sorry!! Part 1 I opened my eyes as fresh air flooded my body. First day of summer. How bad could this be? You may be wondering, why so negative? Only because I betted with the Queen B of our school to get a boyfriend. I mean, I've dated a few times and I cannot lie and say I am a virgin, but if I don't get off with someone before the fourteenth day of summer, my #life won't be worth living. And this is not an exaggeration. No one, I tell you, bets against Jennifer Kadura. Anyway, it is summer and there are a few good looking boys in my neighbourhood. I switched on my phone, a few notifications here and there. Mostly people were enjoying their summer in Barbados or the Dominican Republic. We weren't going away till August though. Although 43degrees was a winner in Arizona. I took of my shirt, stretching as I revealed my new lacy Victoria Secret underwear. A bit slutty and mom was against it but my grandma always got my back and bought it for me anyway. It shows off my toned stomach and tanned legs so its my favourite. I could her footsteps approaching my room and my older brother Harry entered. "Mom says to get your own breakfast from Starbucks or something because she's going out. Is that okay?" "Yeah that's fine , do you want to come with me?" "Not if you're dressed like that little sister. Don't be a hoe" "Ugh I hate you, I wore it in bed," I replied groaning. "Hope you were alone in bed," Harry winked, "or you might need me to relieve you from your horny state." "Of course I was alone in bed. I'm not going to let someone start banging me while mom's two doors across," I laughed. I gave Harry a lingering kiss on the lips and a little rub of my boobs as he caressed my ass a little bit before I told him to get out. We always flirted like this, it was never anything more. I got dressed quickly, squeezing on tiny shorts and a white bralette and adidas superstars. I brushed my teeth, did my usual makeup and pulled up my hair. I went downstairs, everyone had left to go somewhere by that time and took my keys and left the house. My neighbour, Jake was just leaving his house too. "Bella!" he called as he beckoned me over. Jake and I flirted a little bit but really I had the biggest crush on him. "Hey Jake, hows it going?" "Just on my way to Starbucks to get some breakfast and then I'm pretty much free, what about you?" "Haha I'm going to Starbucks too. First day of summer and I've got nothing to do and I'm left to get my own food," I laughed. "Spend the day with me then," Jake said. I nodded and we just chatted about what we were doing over the summer. "Yep, I'm going to the Hamptons to stay at my second home in August," I said. "Oh that's cool, we're going to Italy in August so I have July mostly free," he replied. As we walked, he slipped his hand into mine. Butterflies rose to my stomach as I clung onto his hand. There was silence as we walked, holding hands. Should I tell him how I felt? "Um Jake, can I tell you something?" "Of course," he replied. We stopped walking and I stared into his emerald eyes. "I really like you and I can't hide it any longer. I've had the biggest crush on you since, God knows," I whispered. "Good because that means its not only me," he replied caressing my cheeks. Then he kissed me. Leaning against the wall and kissing me. Then the kiss became more heated as he moved his hands down and slipped them underneath my shorts, squeezing my ass. As he pressed me against the wall, I felt love spread through me. We were on a deserted road and no one was around. "You're... so.. fucking sexy," he whispered huskily between kisses. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he moved his hands from my mouth towards my breasts. He slipped his warm hands underneath my bralette and squeezed my nipples. He moved his mouth from mine, and sucked my nipples as he pulled most of my bralette down. I started moaning, "baby... god.. you're amazing. I'm not hungry, let's go back to my house and sort your boner out," I said. He offered me a sexy smile and we walked back home.

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