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Lena Part 1 This story is a 'tribute' based on the finding sky trilogy by Joss Stirling. It is about savants who each have a gift for example, reading the future, controlling fire, telling the past, seeing auras, manipulating minds, the list goes on. Each savant has a soulfinder (a soulfinder is like a soulmate) somewhere in the world, who they try to find and mostly don't find. If two savants are soulfinders they can talk telepathically to each other and develop their gifts further. Lena the main character is a savant and her gift is knowing what a person is feeling, she is very good at telepathy and is trying to expand distances, usually you have to be relatively close to the person. You can talk using telepathy only to your family and soulmate. Your soulmate's birthday will be close to yours. So I hope you like it and I hope it bears a small kind of resemblance to the originals which are amazing and please read them if this is your kinda thing. Be warned there are swear words included because it did not sound right without them! Here we go... I was making my way to my next class, Drama to be exact, when I felt an arm grab me and drag me into an unused classroom. "Shit!! Get the fuck off me!" I yelled wriggling under the strong grip. "Shh! I just need to talk to you" said a calm voice from behind me. The arm released its grip and I turned round to face a blue-green shirt. Being short has its difficulties. I looked up into the bright emerald eyes of my kidnapper and said "well whatever you have to say must be pretty important, make it quick I have to get to class." The strong arm that had grabbed me belonged to a very handsome, sorry, extremely and utterly gorgeous boy with longish blonde hair and eyes that made you want to stare at them all day. "First i'll introduce my self, my name is Leo, and you are Lena." He said in a matter of fact way. "Okay... How do you know my name?!" At this point my day which was already quite strange just got weirder. "You mean you don't know?" Leo looked at me puzzled. "Know what?" Now I'm really confused. "That your my soulfinder!" "Your soul what now?" Okay this is weird. "You're a savant, I'm a savant and I can talk to you in here," he tapped his forehead. "Fuck" My soulfinder?! Already! I thought you only found each other when you were older not 17 and still in school, I didn't even want to date until I'd finished here, school sweethearts never end well. "Yeah the same thought went through my head when I found out." This guy really was quite cute, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He looked into my eyes with curiosity and a hint of excitement. "I didn't know you could find each other this young." I was still processing the situation and had to sit down slightly in shock. "This means I have to spend the rest of my #life with you." I accidentally blurted out. He chuckled, "and that's a bad thing is it?" Oops "No, no that's not what I meant, it's just I don't know you, like, at all." It was then I realised I had never heard his thoughts and I didn't know his birthday so this could just be a scare. "Ok well if you're certain, when is your birthday?" Please don't say December. "17th December." Shit "Oh, mines the 20th December." 'Well that must mean its true.' His voice pierced through my brain making me jump. 'My mum is gunna freak out, this is some big fucking news.' I could see him grinning, to anyone else we look like two teenagers in a room silently grinning at each other. Quite a weird sight. 'We can take things slowly and just get to know each other first, I don't want this to go wrong. I've found you now and I don't want to lose you.' Leo looked and me sincerely. He was dead serious. This did scare me a little but I nodded in agreement and replied, smiling, 'Okay, what's your favourite colour?' His face collapsed into a smile making dimples appear in his cheeks. 'Orange.' Part two coming soon!

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