Time To Declutter If your heart goes all a flutter If someone says declutter You know that you need order If you've become a Hoarder Now there may be a reason If you hold on to each season Your encouraged to mix and match Reuse your previous batch This all may well be good Yes recycle as you should But soon there comes a time When you try to save a dime That you run right out of space Yes this makes me red of face When you see how much you got Boxed high as a job lot A new carpet has me packing Oh the willpower simply lacking I need my lovely stuff But my floorboards had enough It will happen in one day House recarpeted yes hurray But we have to play reshuffle Oh the groans I try to muffle Yes I know it will look grand Fresh and clean where I stand It's the moving that I'm hating With the chaos it's creating So I will have to choose What to keep and what to lose For charity, or to sell Oh the decision hell Cause I know it will take ages To create harmony in stages To have it all just right My home a tidy sight So forward thinking now I take Good Feng shui I hope to make So the energy will flow And my peace of mind will grow So I hope that you will heed With the suggestions that I seed To let it go and just release You need space to make your peace Possessions can posess you They can even obsess you To make you think of lack Maybe keeping you back As the past it seems to follow Leaving marks that leave you hollow An empty space to fill Blocked emotions, standing still So take my hand and walk Lets solve it as we talk Lets see what you really need New directions to succeed.
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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Anita Eaton
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