The Humble Tomato Tomatoes are so juicy It dribbles down your chin It gives you a seedy mess With a pippy saucy grin Their firm red flesh is inviting Until you try to chop They can be so obstinate And pounce on you in a hop Slicing can be dicey Unless you've sharpened knives Their skins can be resistant And fingers need nine #life's This fruit or is it veg On that we can't agree But none use it more Than those in Italy This humble fruit of vine That grows at such a speed Before time to harvest Could be mistaken for a weed Used in spaghetti Bolognese In salad or as soup The spanish has a festival It gets thrown into a group It must be puréed So that no one can get hurt They throw for just an hour Until a rocket brings alert. They can be crushed, stewed or simmered Diced, chopped, sliced, purée, But what ever way their eaten They flavour has a way To make your mouth tingle There is a real deal This humble ingredient Can transform any meal We the British We put it on every thing With sauce we love food more "Please pass the ketchup" we sing
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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