Translate   8 years ago

Caitlin and the giant strawberry Once upon a time there was a village in the village their was a girl called caitlin she said to her mum,"can I go to the woods" "ok" "remember to go to the strawberry bush ok"can I have the basket please" here thanks......... Chapter 2 now we're is that bush oh here look how small that strawberry is.... I wish someday I come back write in this spot that strawberry will be bigger than anyone in the world we'll lets pick some strawberrys but I'm not going to pick that tiny one chapter 3. 1 month later mum I'm going to the woods ok mins later wow look look how big that strawberry is wait 1 month ago I wished that little strawberry was bigger than anything in the world it came true cool i'am going to bring this home and show mum she will be amazed 5 mins later mum mum mum look how big this strawberry is let's eat it yea write do we have a massive knife let me See no wait yes we do mm it's so nice and they lived happily ever after mmmm

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