S.1 - Home Alone After school, you asked me to come to yours until your mum got home. I said no, I'm busy. I wasn't at all... I just couldn't be bothered. You said she'd be home within the hour, but I said I'm still not going. We said bye, and went our separate routes home. When you got home, you sent me a text. A 'hiya, u ok' text. I didn't reply. You sent me another one, that I received the next day. When I finished school, the next day, I texted you to ask why you wasn't in. That's when I got the text. 'Come quick Zoe. I think someone's in my bathroom??!!' I went round to your house, but all I saw was police, CSI and your mum and nan, stood, holding each other, crying. I went to comfort them, and to see what happened. I had a gut feeling something about this was to do with you. Your mum told me she got home later than planned. She found your dead body lying across the kitchen sink, along with a note. It said, 'I did this to him. I'll find you and do it too!' Moral of the story, never ever let someone under the age of 14-16 be home alone, even for a split minute or two.

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