Translate   9 years ago

Sevelian Eye An Sevelian Month I remember,that two years ago,Milisa,my smaller sister and my family had moved here in Sevelian Island. Now,at this point my family feels safe ; we believe that there are millions of eyes looking at us,but now we are starting to worry and we want to move out of this island,well we could. But the problem is that we have no ships or other things we can survive with. So how could we get away? Now it's November and since we don't have food;we just hunt fish,otters,whales and tuna fish the most. Today my mother asked me and my older sister,Milisa to gater seawead for Seasalad for winter,in the way Ramo came with us. Ramo is our cousin and is two years younger than me. We found two half full baskets of seawead-which was very good because normally on Sundays we find a half a basket! Ahoi! Land! The next week that Month,Ramo saw a Ship coming toward the shore,me and Milisa went to tell it to our family-after that the whole family was standing on the cliffs watching the ship come closer. "They are coming to bring us back home!" Ramo said with glowing eyes. "Maybe they only came here to hunt OUR food! And that is bad!" My dad said and sent people to get ready if the men in the ship just wanted to fight for our food. In the evening the men from the ship steped out of their ship on the shore. "My name is Capitan Alute-" the capitan shook my dad's hand politely. "Mien is Uracie. What for are you and your men here?" My fater raised an eye bow. "We came here for a camp,gentel men say hello to Uracie!" Capitan Alute raised hos voice. "This our area,but I kindly ask: there is another side if you go around the cliffs-you might want to stay there. Would you like to stay and for food share?" My fater looked at Alute wisely. "Okay! Thank you,Uraic." The men marched down and behinde the cliffs. Eyes of narrow light Two weeks later,the Crew of Alutes had a fight with my dad about what the Alutes have took from us and how much they hunt. After that day no one hunt or said a word,no one even talked about good thing, only bad. Two days after my dad's death,we all started the #life in the island again. We had a new leader,O'Purand-Mc.Deraholy who changed every thing back to normal. O' Purand had bright eyes and could see anything in the past. And from now on we call our island: The Sevelian Eye The End.

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