Hunters Hunters Their names are unknown to us, The hunters of the night But these are the warriors The ones that lead the fight They wear midnight as their cloaks The#moontheir mask The stars their cape They uphold their vow to us That they never break The vow to keep us safe They walk among the shadows Never seen in the light They may be only legends But they hunt the monsters of the night There is the Silent Striker The fastest in the land She needs no weapons in her grasp For she just runs without a plan Then there is the horseman Ruthless, yet brave She rides her steed the color of the stars Victory is what she craves Then there is the Raven Black hair flowing in the wind She carries a bow with her Her arrows disciplined The lost boy is next He walks his path alone The sadness in his eyes is great Of a silent wound unknown Then there is the lone wolf His aim is true and straight If you see the blade he holds It will be the last thing in your gaze Finally the Scarlet Shadow The greatest hunter of them all Her eyes, some say, are the night and day And for her friends she would gladly fall She wears a cloak as black as death Covering a secret she would hide with her last breath ~from the book I am currently writing~ Thanks for reading
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