Traducciones   9 años

Ballad Of An Attempted Suicide The blood, Dripped down the sink. As Sophie slashes the knife across her skin, Death is all she can think. Today she was betrayed, By her best friend. As he beat her up, She wanted her #life to end. As she slides down the wall, She whispers to herself: "When I'm depressed, No one is there. When I'm gone, No one asks where." And out from the shadows, A young girl sings: "Everyday, People will cry. Because you made the choice, To die." Though the melody was soft, And so was her voice. Her words were sweet, But she had made her final choice. "Lola," she said, Stating her name. As she helped Sophie up, She knew it wasn't a game. And as Sophie left, To go to her house. Lola followed her, Quick as a mouse. The whole way home, Sophie whispered to herself: "When I'm depressed, No one is there. When I'm gone, No one asks where." And as Lola follows her, She whispers too: "Everyday, People will cry. Because you made the choice, To die." Sophie enters her room, And finds the rope. The one she's kept, Because she's lost all hope. And as she hangs the rope, To go around her head. She places the note, That explains why she's dead. But she never gets the chance, To end her #life. She doesn't even have time, To slash her knife. Because out from the shadows, Lola sings: "Everyday, People will cry. Because you made the choice, To die." And that's when Sophie realizes, There is someone who does care. And if she had ended her #life, They would be left in despair. Nothing is worth taking your #life for, There is always someone who will care. Because if you do, You'll leave everyone in despair.

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