A year ago Who'd of thought a year could change so much Going from not knowing to loving your touch We have fitted into each other's lives We have held each other through the lows and the highs. A year ago our existences collided Our flaws and pasts excepted neither of us minded A year has changed so much about me No longer the scared girl you used to see. A year ago childhood crushes reunited Both of us feeling we were once very short sighted I never envisaged what would happen and how we would grow What number the dice would land on with each and every throw. Here we are a year down the line Still going strong and our family doing just fine With our New Years news patiently waiting to be announced to all Let's just say year number two we'll be having a ball!!!!! Happy anniversary to the most amazing daddy and partner in the world .... I love you to the#moon... And back xxxx❤️❤️❤️
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