ramblings When the two pink bars showed I cried I dodnt know whether to tell you Tonight or tomorrow Or whether To kill myself before you got home or runaway or hide And my heart raced in my chest For the next six hours While you were in class And when you got home I showed you the pictures we orded And you were so happy My stomach dropped to the deepest part of me And when I looked in your eyes and said that there had been an accident I swear to god I saw the blue drain from your irises And you just knew I told you I wanted to know what tou thought we should do Because one plus one does in fact make one And when you told me that you wanted it gone too I didn't feel the relief I thought I would recieve And how can the right thing for us feel so wrong for me Now I cry at work when I see babies I won't get excited about names This is one bad dream I cannot wake up from and I just wish that it could be now and not later And i am scared Scared Scared

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