Night Terrors Looking past into the dark I see nothing with friendly marks Nothing that stares at me with a face That offers memories of happy days Their faces hold a truth so dark Its as if they are just waiting to bark Waiting to bark of what they know So that i will fall into the abyss below They wait for me around the bend With thorns of blows that are sickening They make me crawl into my bed Where i am safe in my safe haven My only defense keeps me trapped In the hole of all the black I hear them laughing With their cheeky grins Where they wait To pull me in Their mouths speak of madness Of insanity and truths Yet i know what they say Will almost never come true Most of their truths Are nothing but empty But then again Some are not Some are as true as you With your judgemental ways Judging my every ways As to what i do To response of these fellows in black That never seem to reach you You dont see their faces But then again neither do i You dont hear their words Words that dont apper Maybe you are right In your judgemental ways Maybe i am just one person With no sway or matter My own terrors dont matter To others busy days But i know i will see them again When it has turned dark
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Alexandra Cathrine
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