To My Future Self Your hair is fine Your eyes always shine Your teeth arent green Your size is alright Your friends will stay by your side The couch doesn't care about your height Your clothes arent bad You rock that hello kitty bag That musles not fat The scale sometimes lie Your skin is flawless Red bruises and all Your not in your own boat Just pick some drifters up mid float Your eyebrows are on fleck Whatever that means That B wont change your #life That C wont either Grades are just numbers And lots more things matter Like hanging with your friends Enjoying your classes Eating what you want Not thinking about tomarrow You dont need a boyfriend or girlfriend And whichever way you swing Ignore the douchbags and the haters And love the supports and queens Your beautiful in every way And dont let that one comment bring you down Because your the ray in someones #life And they wont let you falter
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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