Translate   9 years ago

The Aliens Abduction One day up in space two rainbow coloured aliens called Jiba and Jooba were cleaning their rocket ship and Jooba was shocked when Jiba said "we should go down too Earth and abduct the children of St Matthews Primary School... Do you agree with me Jooba ?" Jooba nodded her head so the next day they collected all of the fuel that was needed to power their rocket . Down on Earth St Matthews Primary School was doing Art and when they heard a loud BANG outside the teachers Mrs Brooke's , Mrs Eldridge and Mr Impy rushed over to the door "Its a spaceship in the playground and hang on a second there are two rainbow coloured aliens. " Mrs Eldridge exclaimed . Everyone started to wonder what the aliens were doing here . After a few minutes the aliens had disappeared then the children SCREAMED because Jiba and Jooba had arrived at the door. "Oh no, everyone get under the tables " Mr Impy with fear in his eyes .Suddenly a flash of blueness struck the classroom and in 20 seconds they all had space helmets on their heads "er why are in space?" Asked Amelia curiously. Jiba and Jooba explained " you have been abducted by the friendly aliens of Gumberloom . Our names are Jiba and Jooba. Don't worry we won't hurt you." Everyone looked incredibly surprised but Milly and Donna looked very very excited. To Be Continued

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