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Progluage I sit on a velvet stool at Mama’s feet, watching her brush her hair. I don’t like brushing my hair. Nurse yanks and snarls, and it hurts but when Mama brushes hers with slow, smooth strokes, it spills like chocolate over her milk white shoulders. Nurse wants to put me to bed, but Mama is going to a ball tonight, and she says I can stay up to watch her get ready. I am five years old. Mama flicks her hair towards me like a horse tail. It tickles my face I laugh. Lindsay, her maid, wrestles with her heavy hair.I play with Mama’s tin of Latris-scented powder and wait for Lindsay to be done weaving strands of tiny flowers into Mama’s hair At last Mama turns to me “Well?” “You look like a fairy queen” I say She smiles “and you are my pixie” She say Papa comes in and fastens the clasp on Mama’s necklace.A net of emeralds and gold unfolds at her throat.Papa kisses her neck. Liatris is a fifteen year old girl who is living with her aunt Kynthia and uncle Lynn. Liatris’s dad and mom died in a carriage crash after the ball her aunt and uncle have been looking after her since. She has had a very hard #life since her mom and dad are gone. Charter 1 Beware the stone that reflects in your eyes, beware the woman under disguise I have been working very hard at all of my chores today and they are almost done all I have to do is wash the windows then I will be free to go outside and play my chores are *Make breakfast *Wash the dishes *Clean the floor *Clean the counter *Tend to the garden *Wash the windows *Sweep *Dust * Make dinner Those are all my chores each day. While my aunt and uncle are working in the back of the shop . They are working unless we get a customer then my aunt will come and up front. Then we set table and we eat dinner. The next morning is almost the same. I do a lot of the same things every day unless I deliver something my uncle made he is a gold smith. My aunt is mean to me I get a lot of slaps on the face each day I have a lot of bruises. One day an old lady came in and you couldn’t see her face because she was wearing a cloak that covered her face.” How can I help you” aunt said in her customer voice as she slid back behind the counter.” I need a new setting for this” said the lady as she pulled it out of her cloak. It was the biggest and the prettiest stone I have ever seen in ten years of hovering around Uncle’s goldsmith shop. Aunt and I sucked in our breath. It was perfectly round smooth and was the size of a walnut, and milky white, though its surface glinted with reflecting colors. People don’t just bring things like that into a store. I‘m very surprised she brought it here. “Is it a pearl” I asked over her shoulder The lady turned her gaze my way. She blinked as if I had startled her. Aunt hissed through her teeth at me,then I knew that as soon as the lady left I would get a lot of slaps.”Pardon our servant,”she said. “She’s an ignorant girl who forgets her place.” As if I could forget my miserable place. The woman studied me up and down.Was I dirty? I brushed off my clothes. “I see,” she said. And turned to aunt.” Can you or can you not created a setting so I can wear it on a chain as I did before?” “ Certainly” Aunt said. “Although . . . it is an unusual piece and so splendidly large! The amount of gold it will take will make it more expensive and a setting around the stone without covering all the faces.” She coughs lightly The woman pulled out a purse from within her cloak and poured out some of it into her hand.” I am prepared to pay whatever it takes.” Aunt's eyes beamed as she watched the woman scoop up the coins and put them back in the purse.”If you will sign your name and address in our book,we’ll contact you when the setting is finished.”she pushed the red leather book forwards the woman, who dipped the pen in the ink and wrote. “ Sorry but I’ve forgotten my spectacles what is your name ,Madam?” Aunt didn't forget her spectacles nor did she have any she just can't read? “Madeline,” the woman said ,as she turned to go. She looked at me which gave me a tingling feeling as if she could read my mind. for the first time, I noticed her eyes. They gave me a shock, they were so beautiful, wide and deep. Like something I might of seen in a dream of some kind like a guardian angel. I hate force myself not to stare at them. To Aunt ,the woman said,” If you'll excuse me , I am in need of a servant. I would gladly rid you of this ‘ignorant and presumptuous ‘ girl and take her in hand myself.” Aunt customer face curled. She blinked rapidly. Take me in hand? I wasn't a dog in need of training

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