Translate   9 years ago

Hallow'een Welcome, Samhain, the veil between the worlds is so thin, All The dead animals of the Forrest is ready to begin, The Druids are gathered around the big cleansing fire, We're Offering the bones of all the dead, my dear sire, I am wearing the great antelope head and its skin,  The blood from the sacrified boar is painted on my chin,  Drinking that magic potion of healing berries and herbs, Welcoming the worlds where my ancestors and the dead serves, Behold all and each I am now foretelling a prophecy, You have to travel into to the seen and unseen like Odyssey  Behold and see trough the dark veils of our society, Cling to what is your own truth it's yours rightfully, Let the fire cleanse the old that no longer serves you, Find your voice, fight your truth with a loud hullabaloo, We are all light beings dressed with human skins, Behold all of the magnificent souls who all wear angel wings.

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