I sit alone at lunch Picking at my salad I hear laughs and shouts They're talking about me They must think I'm fat I rush to to the toilet and purge every piece of food and feeling left in me I sit alone at lunch Staring down my salad I hear laughs and shouts I turn around They're skinny and pretty But they're not eating salads I go home and curse my existence Curse my genes but then i remember it's not genes- it's about willpower I don't sit alone at lunch I've hid my salad I hear whispers "She's lost so much weight" "She's not even eating lunch" I smile to myself I rush home to my scales Only to drown in a pool of self loathing I don't sit alone at lunch I've thrown away my salad I hear whispers "They were lying, you're still as fat as you were before" I rush to the toilets And attempt to purge to resurface my emotions I don't sleep alone I don't sleep at all I'm too busy digging my grave With my new friend at lunch

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