перевести   9 лет назад

School When I'm in the emergency room for three hours first thing in the morning, the only thing I can think about is my school work. When it's 12:30 am and I'm sitting in bed crying having a panic attack, the only thing I can think about is my school work. When I find that my aunt has stage 4 cancer and they can't help, the only thing I can think about is my school work. When one of my closest friends is suicidal and sick at the same time, the only thing I can think about is my school work. No. This doesn't make me a bad person, it makes me a typical high school student. I didn't mention that I was in the emergency room because I was getting up for school. I didn't mention that the panic attack was brought on by school work. I didn't mention that I cried about my aunt during school. I didn't mention that the conversation with my friend started about school work. When school is supposed to help us, it is killing our generation.

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