Goodnight Paul You are so fucking annoying said Paul to his old man, who was shocked and bewildered, to the language his son was using, the old man name was Isaiah, He was a single parent looking after Paul on his on will such care and patient, when people asked about his wife, he will say with no hesitation "she left me for my brother" he was now in his forties wondering if this was #life. Paul really despise his father he tried many attempts to kill him, he tried to break him down emotionally and physically,but all his plans felled down hill Paul, had a plan, he was going to find his mother and uncle and stayed with them, he packed his suitcases, but then felt sense something was wrong, he went to find his father, he check everywhere and now understood the feeling of being abandon, Paul shed a tear, even though he hated him, he still makes missed him he then felt drowsy and went up to his room for a nap, "Paul, paul wake up! You're gonna be late for school " Paul jumped from his bed noticing his father was back "where were you when I needed you, you can't leave without saying anything"Paul screamed, i have met someone, A wonderful woman I will be getting married to in a few weeks. Paul was gobsmacked he told his father he had to choose between her or him. Isaiah was upset by what his son told him, but had to choose him and call of the wedding. Paul got what he wanted and then told his dad "I just wanted you to call of the wedding and so your mistress will loathe you, now your gonna be lonely because am leaving you to go to my NEW DAD and my mum and lived with them alright. Isaiah went ballistic he told his son "you crazy boy you're momma don't want you that why she left you here with me she went because she did not want you she wanted my drunken brother and my car to drive off, so if you think she will change her mind you're a bigger idiot than I take you for" Paul glared at his father and said "rot in hell and tell Satan I said he can have your worthless pathetic soul. He went in search for his mum,he spent two months on the road trying to find his mum, he remove red his dad told him she lives in Dampsea road This journey took him two weeks, he knocked on every door until he saw a big black door with a sign that says no kids allowed beyond this point in bold black writing , he knocked until a man that looks like Isaiah opened it, Paul knew it was his uncle and asked to see his mom his uncle told Paul to shoved off and never come back again,Paul was not going to give up, until he was let in the house, the uncle knew he was not going to go so he let him in, Paul noticed the uncle looked pale and tired, , the uncle then called for Paul mum angie,Paul asked for the toilet his uncle showed him where it was. When Paul went in he could smell that the toilet was not clean and did not feel comfortable using it he saw dead cockroaches and dead bugs, he stormed out. And came face to face with his mum, he could see his mum was very different to how he remembered her to be, her hair was stiff and untidy and she look d tired as well She spoked she told the uncle to locked the door, and he did so, Paul got scared and thought what was going on. He then told his mum he was just visiting and that he will come again, the mum answered saying ok be back soon, and say good night to your father for me, Paul ran out of the house his was frightened he was not used to being scared he made his long journey back When he reached he ran to his father house to find him, but he could not , he asked the neighbours , they told him something that will scare the living day outs of him they told him "we don't know any Isaiah the only one we knew died here sixteen years ago, don't you remember you were the child of Isaiah, and you had imaginary friends you argued with at your house, do you want a paracetamol you look feverish? Paul felted sick he made his journey to his mum, then realised he left his suitcases he got them but then noticed a box with old newspaper in there, he saw one that dated back when he was four about hid uncle and mum, that they died in a carbon monoxide incident back at their house, he cried bitterly Who did I just meet? Voices echoed " goodnight Paul " Paul was never seen again
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