Translate   9 years ago

Stuttering Feelings "I h-hope you can m-m-make it." He shyly lowered his head, trying to hide the heat on his cheeks. His fear heightened each second she didn't respond and he nervously played with his fingers. As a stutterer, he had grown accustomed to rejection but oddly enough, he feared rejection from her the most. Maybe it was because she always accepted him and told him that it was alright, maybe because she was the only one who really ever understood him first.  He was just a fool in love, doing whatever his heart commands.  Not able to put up with the silence anymore, he sneaked a glance at her only to be devastated as she was fast asleep. He slapped himself on the cheek and muttered a few curses, feeling ashamed of himself. Wondering what he should do, he turned and looked at her. She looked like an angel in his eyes.  An innocent beauty sleeping right in front of him. He sighed as he took in her beauty and softly smiled to himself. He gently rested her head onto his shoulder for a maximized forty winks. His heart leaped at that moment as he confirmed that his feelings were real. Oh boy..

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