Translate   9 years ago

Once there was a valley of wild horses . There were all sorts of breeds from mustangs to shires and Shetlands. The valley of the wild horses was always at peace but that changed on one fateful day. The horses were happily grazing in there favourite place which was out in the open. Some strange people came and loaded them into a massive truck and when they opened the truck doors they were put into a paddock they thought that they were at home but it had a fence around it. The next morning they were bought into a box which is called a stable or a loose box. The foals were in the loose boxes and the mares, geldings and stallions were in stables. They did not like this at all. They were then groomed and turned out in the paddock all apart from the foals who were kept in the loose boxes and they were missing their beloved mums. The stallions were now being broken in. They hated it and so did the mares and geldings and even the foals hated it.

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