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In The End I lived in a room of mirrors, All I saw, Was only me So I broke the glass, Finally, I see Now I see the truth, Am I free at last? Looking through my looking glass I see familiar faces Familiar faces, Judging down upon my past And now I see the time- It's going by too fast Again feel the sting- It's been so long But I remember Everything Sometimes I wonder why, There's so much hate, In love Sometimes I wonder if, If there's anyone above Why does he allow such pain? Is there anything to gain? Why does he let us fight? Every day, And every night? Sometimes I wonder why, Why was I, Even born? Was I born to hate? Are we all, Born to die? In my veins runs so much hate, Now I realize I need to change my shape, But I fear It's much to late Our lives are run by pain The pain is everything Is this #life worth living? Fueled by so much hate? Would anyone know, If I was dead? When everyone I've loved, Simply leaves, In the end Perhaps, I should die, And leave this passion of hate, Some say I need to die- But that is not my fate... We aren't born to die We are born to live We are born to love, Not to hate- -but forgive If you could take it all, All the all the love and all the pain If you could take the pain -and throw it all away But can you lose the love? Could you let it stay... The pain is who are, But love who we become, And this journey, Is never done So I threw it away, My Regime of hate, If I could try again... I would choose to love I would let it stay...

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