Traducciones   13 años

My son is growing up like a flame in is it that his neocortex is firing off like St Elmos fire with exponential efficiency on a daily basis and yet his conversations with me have reduced to monosyllabic grunts?......seems like I mirror that process in that, as my solid sense of self is attenuating to a vapourous awareness diffusing into the Kosmos like so much leaked ink into watery gel, my social self condenses and contracts into a more unwontedly-frugal economy of transactedness so that I feel more and say less....its like the I inhale to fill lungs from the bottom-up and plumed-out I simultaneously draw energy down into my pelvic floor with a ujayyi funnel that renders my body core an electric cable....everything deceives, the opposite is really happening...behind every dangle there is a dingle....yang holds yin holds yang, we are embedded in a paradox and irony circus which selfliberates before I get a chance to laugh at this no this no this moment of the Show....

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