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The Grateful Rose Caressed by the warm wind, the seed was brought to the Earth that embraced it with dark nutritious soil. The ageless sun gazed upon it with such love and warmth. The Earth loved the seed so much that The Heaven was brought to tears by love and those tears like a warm summer rain kept the ground moist. It was a ancient love act between The Earth and The Heaven that helped the seed to grow. A sprout, a light pink rose pushed her way up from The Earth towards The Heavens. She was forever grateful for the #life that was given to her. Thank you Mother Earth for planting my seed into the ground. Thank You for keeping my roots strong and resilient regardless of the weather the that has passed by. Thank you Father Heaven for your tears of love that kept on watering my soil with love and faith. To give me the opportunity to grow strong roots so I can blossom. Thank you, Mother Earth and Father Heaven for showing me my Thorns and how They Are a part of Me. I die into them and transform them with love and light. I embrace them because they are Me and they have shown me that I am Beautiful as I Am. Thank You #life for Unfolding my path to me as the Petals Embrace my Rose. One petal by one unfolding through the daily journey of my soul. I Transform and Grow each day as the Beautiful Rose that I Am. Thank You #life for helping me to Let Go of the petals that have Withered and no longer serve My Path. My path is unfolding to me as I grow, I know now that wherever I have my Roots is my Heart, where it's Love there is Light. I Thank All of You for being in this garden together. I call you Family and Friends. As time has passed by some family has withered back to be ones again United with Earth and mourned by Heaven. Thank you #life for showing me that some flowers need an Other Garden to Blossom. They will all forever stay in my heart, because I saw their Beauty when They Didn't. New seeds has been loved by The Father and The Mother and given #life. New flowers I have Met and new trees I will also come to Meet. Thank You for letting me see and feel all of their Beauty Everyday. I thank you, Mother Earth and Father Heaven for let me see all of the Beauty that lies in a Grateful Heart. I Am Forever Grateful for the #life I was given and I will stand with strong roots until the day comes when I Wither and Die. Then I will once again be Embraced by You, Father and Mother in a union of Love and Oneness forever grateful for the #life which was given to Me. Kristina Sowl Nilsson©

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