Translate   10 years ago

Subtleties Pt. 2 (That is what I do... Now that I've found you....) In the den, Miss Cat and Mister Peacock already arrived, waiting for the rest of us. Mister Fox and I came in and I sat down on the couch next to the fireplace and Mister Fox, finally giving me some peace, stood between the bookcase and the door, leaning on the bookcase with his arms folded. Miss Doe then entered, slowly floating to my chair with a smile. She sat on the arm of the chair. Guess Mister Fox wasn't the only one that felt a 'connection' towards me. We waited a few minutes in silence before Mister Lizard slithered in and stood in the far corner. His arrival meant that we can finally start this game. He shut the doors behind him slowly, the creaking of the door whistling in the room, followed by a click from the locks. With this, Butler spoke. "We shall do this the way of the cards. As you are all familiar with, each card has the name of a specific position. Each position must be taken seriously, you cannot change it, you cannot hint about it, and most of all: you must have your card at all times. The murderer must show his card to the bystander in order to make them into a victim. They must also be alone at the time of the 'murder' or else there will be witnesses and they will be arrested and then the game will cease. Then, the victim must be positioned by the murderer in a manner of which shows clues of the murder type and weapon," he explained before holding out each card so that we knew what each one looked like. "Any questions as of yet?" His eyes scanned the room. There was silence. "Good. Now, I will pass each of these out. You will get acquainted with each of your cards and head out into the house. Be mindful of yourselves and most of all.. Have fun," he said as he walked around with the deck of cards, allowing each guest to draw one. Afterwards, he bowed promptly and, without a word, left the room. We all simply stared at each other and made our way out. I looked at Miss Doe, who seemed excited. "Shall we travel together, Miss Wolf? After all, we can't die if we're not alone!" "Sure!" I said with a tail wag. "Although, I don't want to be fucked up, but you're a deer! You're basically the damsel in distress all the time!" I joked with her. She took it in good stride with a laugh, linking her arm with mine, and looked to Miss Cat, who was also leaving the room to venture out into the house. "Miss Cat, would you like to join our little group?" Miss Cat scoffed at the offer, "If anyone needs to be babysat, it's you two. I can handle this game on my own." She walked away without looking at us. "Particularly you, Miss Doe. You're practically the victim of the night." She disappeared into the second floor of the house. I felt immediate regret for my previous statement to Miss Doe. Miss Cat definitely wasn't playing nice with the others in the house. Perhaps it wasn't just me? I turned to look at her and saw sadness in her eyes. "Miss Doe?" I called to her. She smiled at me, erasing any trace of sadness she could. "Well then! Shall we go forth, Miss Wolf?" I wanted to tell her everything was fine. I wanted to tell her that I would serve as her guardian. I wanted to assure her that I was here... But I didn't want to bring anything up that would make it worse. Contemplating into deep thought, it wasn't until Mister Fox walked out of the room and gave me a wink before walking into a door. He was quickly followed by a Mister Lizard, who glanced at me quickly before being engulfed in the same door. "For sure!" I yipped with my tails wagging after waking from my daze and led her into the house. An adventure awaited for us.

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