Translate   10 years ago

Customer Unservice Isn't it kind of funny?... If not just a little bit strange. That if a person wears a uniform, Attitudes tend to re-arrange. When you work in a service industry, You do your best to keep a smile... You keep up the extra appearances, And you try to go that extra mile. You find working with the public, Has some far out stretched charm. Although working with the public, Can be like a harvest on a funny farm. Sometimes you get the cream of the crop, When the public get it all their way. But you'll find that its more than likely, You'll have served a few halfwits today. While it is true that we do get paid, To be there when it all goes wrong. You make our lives a living hell, When we don't dance to your song. We're here to help and provide services, To which you really should understand. We're but only human... We can't always fulfil your demand. Sometimes it can turn quite nasty, Especially when you're incorrect. When we have to deliver bad news, Insults, slurs and sarcasm deflect. You see a robot in a uniform, Unto which we must obey... You were incredibly rude and arrogant, To that unimportant uniform today. While we try to help as best we can, With the little bit of power we hold. You treat us like we're not human, We're real, it hurts when you act so cold. We have rules in which we follow, Some are strict, real tight in place. We can't bend or change them, Even when you go blue in the face. We don't do things to upset you, You're actually not always correct. To tell you something important, You'll only spit back in disrespect. To be in this customer service industry, You must have a certain stride. They think service means servant, They don't care that you have cried. Well done to those of you, Who have been abusive to uniform, ever. You've only proved one certain thing, You're not big nor are you clever. Because once the work day ends, We go home and take off our work colour. You've worn another inch off of us, You have made a personality even duller. Does it make you feel better?.. To rant and rave towards a living being Does it make you feel bigger?... Do you even see the way we are seeing? You see servants wearing a uniform, It doesn't give you a right to abuse us. Does our standard policy uniform, Allow absence of respect you refuse us? service ˈsəːvɪs/ noun 1. the action of helping or doing work for someone."millions are involved in voluntary service" 2. act of assistance, good turn, favour, kindness, helping hand; assistance, help, aid, offices, ministrations"she has done us a great service"

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