ترجم   منذ 9 سنوات

I don't know where I am. I don't even know my name or anything about myself. I looked around but I couldn't find anyone but I think I'm in the hospital I found some id with my picture on it, my name is Sharla, I'm 13 and I was born on Janurary 16 2002. Wait I just heard something, ha, sorry it's probably just my imagination. Oh maybe not, I have to run quick. It sounds like a screech and screaming I think that there is someone else in the hospital and I think that there is a monster or something as well. Then I see it something running towards me! Now I can't move and it's getting closer and closer and Ahhh! Oh thank goodness it's just the other person I thought was here or I guess the person I knew was here. "Do you here it to" shes asking I stop to think for a minute then I realise she wasn't the person screaming because I could still hear the screaming but it wasn't her. " Hurry we may not have much time!" I couldn't. Belive it I'm traped in a hospital being chased by a monster. It's exactly every little kids nightmare yet I'm just as terrified as they would be.

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