Outta Here Tax my house, Tax my car, Tax my music, Cause it's going "too far" Tax my water so I'm drinking beer, The only thing on my mind, Is gettin outta here Or they'll just force me out- Before next year Credit scores falling like New York Metts, Stock market's crashing, Like Al-Queida jets Another politician bought his way to the lead, While they ignore those in need, Tax my friend cause he cannot read, Now he's sucking down a pint if mead Rich man walked right by, Another homeless guy Hobo Joe With a missing toe While Santa Clause yelled "ho ho ho" And the rich man chanted "Oh, no, no, no" Hobo Joe, Oh don't you know, Oh don't you hear? You've gotta find some way outta here I wish that I could find, Some way outta here Away from, Every broken picture, Every fallen tear, Every shot of whiskey, Every single beer, The rich man, Knows that he can, But he just watches as a young boy Gets shot up in a van- All my people, Why can't you see? There's nothing left, That we could be I think it's time that we all go, Fell it in my bones, Don't you know? We cry- And ball- But even after it all, The rich man snicker, And sneer, Gotta find, Someway outta here...
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Nik Larcombe
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