Vertalen   10 jaren geleden

Corrupted Worlds: Chapter 1 "Thank you" I mumbled to the bus driver as I stumbled off of the bus. He nodded and closed the bus doors after me, and quickly drove off. The only comforting light I had was from that bus, and now it was gone, so i was just left with the silent cold 11pm darkness instead. The dark always made me paranoid, which is why I hated winter months like this. You saw more darkness than you saw daylight. I guess the reason I was so paranoid is because I knew how vulnerable I actually was. If somebody was hiding, I wouldn't be able to see them. If someone came up behind me and grabbed me, there'd be nothing I could do because I'm not exactly strong, and my area is pretty much dead when it reaches 9pm. A lot of homeless people also lived around here, and though I don't want to contribute to the whole "all homeless people are scary, violent, cold people" in this area, it was the truth. Myself and my mother had been attacked by a homeless man once when he tried to mug us. My mother is a very hotheaded defensive woman, so she was quick to defend us. He was scared away eventually but that incident didn't exactly give me the best impression of homeless people. Anyway, I'd thought enough about the things that scared me in the area, so I stuck one of my earphones in and put one of recent hits that was happy and upbeat "Trap Queen" on. My mood was quickly lightened, and suddenly, nothing seemed as scary as before when I was stuck in the silence. I was almost home, I could see the big round intimidating Health and Safety building that towered over my street. There were still lights on. I frowned "That's odd" I said to myself. Usually, all the workers were gone by 8. I knew that from the amount of times I'd been in the street as a kid and saw what went on at what times. I reached the top of my street and looked behind me and up at the room with the lit window. I could vaguely make out the outline of a person, it was too high up to really make out what he or she was doing, but I thought nothing of it. At this rate I just wanted to get in my bed and wrap myself like a tortilla in the comfortable sheets.

  • Respect!
  • Liefde
  • HaHa
  • Wauw
  • verdrietig
  • Boos